The Sunstone® Designer Series, Raised Style 13 In. Height by 18 In. Width Tilt-Out Paper Towel Holder with inset enclosed Cutlery Drawer which also features a removable Poly Style Cutting Board. This Exquisite Dual Function Combo Unit is fully Enclosed against all weather conditions and includes built-in Self-Leveling Legs for individual or stacked installation with other Designer Series components. The Cutlery drawer is concealed inside the box behind the paper towel holder so to help it stay moisture free and with its full depth it allows for the largest assortment of Silverware, Knives, & BBQ Tools. This Double Drawer is specially designed to be the same consistent 18 In. Width as all other Designer Series components – which provide a true designer friendly appeal. The component is raised off the finish wall 1-1/2 In. so to work with most any island structure including Veneer Stone, Stucco and as extra 4 In. deep inside flange to work with all Masonry Stone types. In Addition the frame is designed with an additional 1/16 In. frame around all four sides of component, plus adjustable Self-Leveling Legs in back. Which make all components multi-configurable Vertically & Horizontally, and are styled to match with Sunstone® Cabinet Island products, with both Cabinet Island and individual Designer Component combinations.